Painted Curtains

As you know from my post about the stripes on my entry, I kind of have a thing for stripes. So when I needed curtains for my master bedroom , of course I wanted big stripes. The only problem is any curtains of 96" with stripes are sooooo expensive . Lets be honest, my sewing skills are not that great either so you know I wasn't going to even try sewing them. That leaves paint, yup thats right, paint! The best place to get long , inexpensive curtains is IKEA! I purchased a pair of plain white curtains and got to taping off my stripes. That was fun! Try having a one year old and six year old stay out of the dinning room while your taped curtains take over......ummmm yeah. I used the same method as I did for my entry wall. A big long level and light pencil mark all the way across then put my tape over the faint pencil line. Next is the fun part....paint. And it will take a lot, let me tell ya....those stripes were thirsty :). After a few coats of paint, (put plastic down under because it will soak through to your floors) I let them dry nice and good over night. The next morning I had crispy Once I hung them and put them into the shape I wanted, you couldn't tell they were that hard/crispy. So what are you waiting for? Go get some curtains from IKEA and get to painting! Also, my bedding is from Target. The sqaure accent pillows and rolled pillow are from IKEA. The round decorative pillow with the jewel is from Ross. The blanket on the end of the bed is from IKEA too ( I love that store). This darling ruffled bed skirt is from Wal-Mart. If you need anymore details just email me or leave a comment!