Beautiful Faucet, Wet Floor

You know those days where from the moment you wake up, you are running like a crazy person to get things done??? Kids fed, up ,and ready to drop at school. Then a million errands and other things that have to get done that day. And when you finally return home, after picking up the kids from school, all you want to do is eat a bowl of cereal for dinner and call it good. BUT NOOOO. Your going to cook something for dinner because secretly you really are hungry for something good. So you throw on some spaghetti. While the water is boiling you then walk into the bathroom, only to step into a puddle of water covering the bathroom floor. OMG! Just what was needed. Panic mode set in thinking of all the damage. So that was how my day was on Tuesday. Just in case you were wondering, the pretty little faucet got left on a slow drip from 8 a.m. until about 4 p.m. It was just the right amount of drip to catch on the back of the sink, run down the side of the vanity and down to the floor. The good news it only expanded the wood of the vanity a little at the bottom. However, it did go through the floor to the other side of the carpet in my daughters room. But my awesome mom had a floor fan that we borrowed. Because we caught it soon enough we only had to lift up the carpet and pad to dry out. We didn't have to rip anything out. So It was a lessoned learned. CHECK THE FAUCETS before you leave in the morning. Little ones always manage to find their way back in after you check. So be sure your the last one to check! By the way, that bathroom was only finished a few months ago so it was a sigh of relief that no major damage occurred! Other than that my Tuesday was just peachy :).