Valentines Decor
Valentines Day is so fun! I think in the past I haven’t really put much effort into Valentines decorations. Really I would just do enough to make my kids happy. I mean let's be real. It's right after Christmas and it is hard to think about decorating for another holiday when you have Christmas to put away. It all happens so fast. This is year was a little different.
I actually wanted to decorate for Valentines. I had so many creative ideas about what I wanted to do for Valentines. This is probably because we are living in a temporary home while we build our house. I didn't really decorate for Christmas because we were at families houses to enjoy all of their decor. Not having my own house to decorate is making me itch to get into our house this summer and get to decorating. So after making all those cute Valentines garlands from Michaels; I put together a small little Valentines area in our temporary home.

I love all the hand written signs in wood frames. I have seen them all over Etsy for $100-$300. WOW! I was eyeing a few for the new house but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Well, I went to Hobby Lobby to get the gold letters for my chipboard banner. You can't go into Hobby Lobby without looking at the entire store. Well, I found this awesome wood frame sign that screamed Valentines to me. It was on the clearance aisle for $20. WHAT!? It looked like some of the pricey ones I had seen for way more. I snatched it up and ran. :)

I'm excited to use all these pieces in our new home next year. For now, this will be our Valentines decor.