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Board and Batten Half Bath

I love board and batten and I am not afraid to say it. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Hey when something looks good I don't see why its a problem. ok? Just get ready because the new house will have a lot more board and batten. So I did the same method for my entry as I did on my dinning room a few posts back. My cute nieces were in town to help with this one so I put them to work. When I am trying to get an Idea of how something will look, I always need helpers to hold stuff up. As you saw with Mr. Whitelane in our dinning room board and batten post. I also use painters tape as I mentioned before to tape off where everything thing will go. As you can see in the picutres below I also sometimes just stand the boards up and get idea of the look.

At the same time as I was finishing up my entry board and batten; I decided to tackle the half bathroom board and batten while I was at it. I decided to keep it simple in here because it is such a small space. No double row because the single would look great. Less painting and wood is a bonus of the single row. I love my cordless Ryobi Strike nail gun. It is so quick and easy to use for projects like this. I am so glad I had my caulking tool again too. It makes caulking less miserable. I introduced this little time saving tool in my dinning room board and batten post. After all my caulking was done I turned up Pandora and got busy with three coats of white custom match paint to my baseboards. I was able to do all my cuts at Home Depot except for a few miter cuts. Thankfully my awesome neighbor had a miter saw I was able to borrow. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I used scrap wood to play around with the cuts and angles until I figured out what worked for what I needed. I think the board and batten in the entry and the dinning added so much character to our townhouse. I decided the entry board and batten needed some brushed nickel hooks to finish off the look. I found these at Home Depot of course. I will probaly be doing something similar in the mudroom of our new house. What do you think? Do you love board and batten as much as me?


White Lane Decor

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