Newspaper Wreath

I love this newspaper wreath. It is super cheap and simple to make. First, take a wooden/twig wreath from your local craft store the size you want. Next, take some coffee filters or paper similar in texture. Hot glue the coffee filters over the top and inside (everywhere except the back) of the wooden wreath.This just makes a good layer to glue your newspaper down. Gluing directly on the wood twigs is a lot harder. Now take some newspaper and cut it up into small squares as shown in the picture below. About 3.5” - 4" on all sides for the squares is the size used on this wreath. You will need a lot of newspaper squares. If you have a paper cutter or can borrow one then I would!

Now you will take one square at a time and bunch it up in the center and hot glue it down at that center point of the square. It’s almost the same as how you stuff tissue paper in a gift bag. Grab it by the very middle making all four corners come to a point and glue that center piece down. This step gets a little tedious and repetitive because you have a whole wreath to fill with these little paper squares. The closer together the fuller it will be. Some of the ones on this wreath a super close and others are not quite as close. Just make sure you can't see any of the white coffee filters you originally glued to the wreath.

Now make sure you go around the inner circle too. Just the very back will not have any newspaper. You can make some mini banners out of scrapbook paper and bakers twine like this “Welcome” one. You can also add a bow like the one on this wreath as well. The bow is secured with craft wire and not hot glue. Just tie of the wire in the very back of the wreath and it won't show. This is to make sure it doesn't fall off since it is a little heavier than the newspaper.

I did not personally make this wreath. I actually bought it off a local yard sale page. Once I picked it up, I realized I could have easily made it for way cheaper. I have made a few others since seeing how easy this one looked to make. Hopefully, you can too!