Tips for Building

I thought I knew a lot about building a house. I thought I knew everything I wanted. I thought I knew my style. I thought a lot of things….. Let me tell you something, it’s totally different once you're in the design center or with your builder. There are so many factors and options that I didn't think about until I was there.
I want to give some tips or advice that I learned along the way that will hopefully help you when you build. First of all, go look at lots of model homes. Take pictures of what you like and don't like. Take a lot of notes. Drive through neighborhoods and get ideas for exteriors. Front doors, garage doors, colors, stones, and lights are all things you will have to choose. Mr. Whitelane and I would go on countless drives (and still do) to just look at neighborhoods of houses and designs.
Second Pinterest is your friend (like I have to tell you that). If you are unsure if you like something, then go to Pinterest and type into the search box. More pictures than you can imagine will pop up of what you're looking for. This will really give you a better idea of how much you will like something.
Ask a lot of questions to anybody and everybody. Most people have a learned a thing or two along the way in life. A lot of people have experience with houses. Getting their opinion on things can only give more ideas. Talking to my mother-in-law, mom, cousins, sister, and friends about house designs have helped me so much. Each person gave me different inputs that I used or did not use in the process.
Take your time at design. You are paying a lot of money for this house. Don't let some pushy sales agent or design lady rush you! Make them get the answers you want. They are supposed to be there to serve you. Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as needed to clarify anything! I wish I would have been more accretive about getting certain things at our design appointment. Sometimes they will just tell you no or that they can’t do something. Really, they just don't want to take the extra steps to go to the person above them, if they don't know the answer. Be pushy and accretive or take someone with you that will!
Bring all of the pictures and notes of things that you like to all of your appointments for design. It always helps to be crystal clear on what you are wanting. I looked back and my pictures plenty of times to make sure what they had at the design center was the same.
This may sound bad but…..don’t trust anybody. Haha. Seriously, though, get everything in writing. If the sales agent or designer tells you something, get it in writing. So many times I was told, “yes, that is how we always do that.” I would always have them write it down on our plan. You can also send an email after the meeting re-stating the conversation, so there would be proof of what was going on. It's always better to be safe than sorry!
Finally, take pictures and keep a record of everything you chose at the design center. Make sure your paperwork of options matches what you actually chose. If something doesn't look right then ask questions. When your house is being built you can always refer back to your pictures to make sure what you chose is being installed.
I will be giving more tips as we get further along in our process. This is just a general overview of some things that really helped us so far.