Entry Planning
We have a closing date! Hallelujah! I don't like moving, but this move, I am pretty excited about! It also won't be too bad. Most of our stuff is already packed and in storage. We just have the basics that we use day to day. Hiring movers was the best thing ever, last time we moved. I am so happy we are doing it again. They were so fast. The entire move,from one place to the next, only took 3 hours. It was the easiest move of my life. Since we finally have a moving date, the planning has begun. Closing in the middle of the week, allows us a few days to get some work done, before the movers come on a Saturday. I really want to tackle the entry and master bedroom.
For the entry, I have been trying to figure out what kind of wall treatment I want. We had board and batten in the townhouse. We have board and batten around the island and grotto kitchen window at the new house. I just don't know if I want in the entry. Of course, I turned to Pinterest to get my mind rolling. I was down to shiplap, board and batten, or picture frame molding. All are so good and would look fine. However, shiplap just stole my heart! Here are some pictures of our unfinished entry, so you can get an idea.

We are going to case the entry to the front room and have shiplap around the entire entry. EEKKKK! I get excited just thinking about it! We have this brushed nickel pendant in the entry. I usually don't buy lighting from the builder. This one was such a good price, that I broke my rule. All the other lights (builder basic) in the house will be switched out for something cute. I just love this brushed nickel lantern. I might even spray paint it gold….I can’t decide. Gold is pulling on my heart strings lately. I think the shiplap will compliment this pendant so well. My dilemma is where to stop. I know…..why stop the shiplap? We don't have time to shiplap and paint the whole house before movers. Haha. But seriously, my entry is a bit tricky. There is the entry and a front room. Then another wall across from the stairs. This wall isn’t technically part of the entry, I guess. I don't know if I should leave it blank for now……or keep the shiplap coming all the way onto that wall. Then that brings another problem. ( see the above pictures of our unfinished house) If I continue the shiplap to the next wall (past the entry), it connects to the wall that runs down to the basement. Will it be weird to not shiplap that upper small section, connecting that wall to the basement stairwell? I think it might be odd to just do the wall and not the one connected to it. If I do all of the walls (including the basement stairwell wall) that is a lot of work to get done before movers. So I am still debating. I found these photos on Pinterest. The first one has a similar pendant with shiplap (and board and batten). Just to give you an idea. What do you think?
On top of the entry, we want to get the ceiling in the master bedroom done before movers. That will be explained in another post. I can’t wait to show you what I am thinking. Let the projects begin…(at least the pre- planning, anyway).