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Master Bedroom Ceiling Idea

I am so excited I finally found what I want for the master bedroom ceiling. I was really bummed that the ceiling is not vaulted….I know??? What’s up with that? There was a tray ceiling but we took it out. It had a weird jog and I didn't like it. So that left us with a clean slate to work with. There is a ceiling fan and two speakers to work around. Not a ton of stuff and I think it will be easy to make it work and look good.

At first, I thought I would do some simple board and batten on the ceiling and call it good. I started to looking for ideas. Planking was another idea I thought about. I liked both of these ideas but nothing was really sticking out to me. Then one day I was browsing Pinterest and came across this picture below. Cassity, over at Remodelholic, snapped this picture at a home show. I was sold on this for our ceiling! I love the planks with the thin overlay “beams”.

I also found this image over at Sawdust Girl. Then I was really excited. Now stay with me for this confusing explanation. :) Ok. So, I love the beams in the picture making an “X” but not how thick they are. I also don’t love the beadboard behind the “X” beams. Remodelholic’s picture is great because the beams are low profile but they make a “T”. I think I like the “X” better but I would have them in low profile beams. I also like the planks in Remodelholic’s picture. The planks are going at an angle between the beams. I wonder if the planks going at an angle with an “X” beam overlay will be too busy? I thought that I would do a low profile “X” beam with planks going vertically across the sections. Does that make sense? I will take what I like from each picture and make it work for our bedroom. Who knows? Maybe I will get crazy and do the planks on an angle with a low profile “X” beam. :) I really am indecisive!

The master bedroom needs something on the ceiling to set it apart and jazz it up. I am excited to see how my idea pans out. I guess we will find out in three weeks.

White Lane Decor

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